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Thursday, November 17, 2016

China to Donald Trump: No, We Didn’t Invent Climate Change

Some imbeciles are laughing at Trump for not believing in climate change; unaware that if it weren't for them such a thing as "climate change" wouldn't survive a day in the field of science nor the climate change proponents who are making huge fortune. The literal truth, though, if climate change is (was) real, advocates and elite boons would try to convince us otherwise. Consider the fact that since Al Gore embarked on his crusade, his wealth has grown from $2 million in 2001 to $100 million in 2016 – largely due to investments in fake “green tech” companies and the effective embezzlement of numerous grants and loans. Always follow the money!  Nobody will support the truth if they are not benefiting from it; not on a global scale.
Many of those scientists who signed the petition were likely encouraged to speak out in favor of the truth after retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist John L. Casey revealed that solar cycles are largely responsible for warming periods on Earth – not human activity.

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